I am using Eclipse Mars (4.5.1) and Gradle 2.4.
SDK not defined
First, you can download a LibGDX project from GitHub, for examplegit clone -b dev https://github.com/mytechpg/libgdx-samples.git
and then you can try to import test_viewport project.
It includes also an Android version and it is necessary to add the file local.properties that specifies the path of your Android SDK.
For example, my file content is:
# Location of the android SDK
You have to create this file because the .gitignore created automatically by LibGDX gradle procedure includes also local.properties file.
If you don't create the file, during the import you can't correctly load your projects and at the end of the import procedure you can see this error message:
Android version
If during the gradle import you see this error:
buildToolsVersion "20.0.0"
compileSdkVersion 21
You have to modify these values with versions available in your SDK (or add the required version to the SDK).
Build Android vresion error
Then, if you are still not able to build the Android project and the error is:
The import android.os.Bundle cannot be resolved
You have to open the properties of your project and then select a build target.